Choosing watches to travel with

Publié par VALLAE GOODS le

If you own multiple watches, deciding on which watch you are going to take with you is likely a very difficult question to answer. For most watch collectors, there’s going to be a lot of thought that will go into making the final decision. The answer to this question will rely on the purpose of your trip and how long you will be out of town for.

 Our suggestion for trips that are 3 nights are less, is travel light and bring a single watch. Depending on whether this trip is for business or pleasure, bringing one versatile watch is the best. Travelling with more than one will just cause more headaches for such a short trip. If only having one watch for a trip makes you anxious, think about bringing an extra strap for a quick change.

For extended vacations or longer business trips overseas, bringing 3-4 watches is most often more than enough. These watches should be versatile enough to wear according to the various activities you might expect. Planning to spend most of your time on a beach? Make sure you are bringing a piece that you do not mind getting wet. Thinking you might enjoy some extravagant dinners? Try bringing a higher end piece or two that you can easily wear with a dress shirt or sport coat. Our proposal really boils down to giving real thought about how you can bring appropriate timepieces that will fill the spots in your itinerary.

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